When Tempted, You…

I really love this fourth chapter of Luke! Not only does it continue to validate Jesus and His ministry, but also His divinity and authority. Here is what stood out to me.



The three times that Jesus responds with ‘The Scriptures Say…’ to the temptations that satan brings.


Imagine being tempted with the things you want most in a time of such need. He hadn’t eaten in forty days, so satan tempts Him with food. Satan knew that Jesus is called the King of kings, yet it is not time for Jesus to reign, again Jesus declines with Scripture [Even the right thing at the wrong time … is still the wrong thing]. He didn’t use will power or some kind of Jesus power to decline satan. He gave us an example of what we must do — when tempted, we must use Scripture.


I need to apply this to my life everyday! When I’m tempted to react in anger, I have to remind myself what the Bible says about that, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 or “A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.” Proverbs 15:18. Two of many helpful verses for me. I need to apply Jesus’ example in many areas of my life; decision making (don’t be too hasty), handling money, making the best use of my time, etc.

When satan tempts us, there is ALWAYS a way out. The devil is powerless to make us do anything, we are just too weak and acquiesce, but Jesus provides a way out through His Word.


Father, remind me daily of Your ways and direction. Help me to always choose You over myself or anything else. Give me strength to honor You in all I say think and do.

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